

AxisTech is an agrifood tech company that delivers products and services around data, devices, and research and sustainability. Our vision is to enable our clients across agriculture and through the supply chain to adapt to changing climate and economic conditions.


Data solutions that deliver user functionality by providing insights for business operations, data-driven decision-making and research and sustainability.

Our data management platform, AxisStream allows for any and all data to be stored in one place and provides the ability to reuse data for analysis.

The Farm Safety System is a mobile farm app that enhances your team’s safety while at work in the field.  It has been developed by our safety partner, Competent Solutions and is delivered by AxisStream.

Our Devices

AxisTech has a growing range of on-farm devices and solutions for environmental monitoring, water management, soil measurement and livestock monitoring.


Animal Monitoring

Animal monitoring solutions that make it effortless for you to locate and keep an eye on your animals.


With our cameras, farmers can now monitor their property from anywhere at any time.


Devices that are compatible with WiFi, Cellular and Satellite networks.


Measures soil moisture, soil temperature with on-demand measurement of soil organic carbon

Environmental Management

A range of gas, dust, temperature, humidity, and leaf wetness sensors.

Water Management

Our water devices help farm staff monitor and manage this important resource.

Weather Monitoring

A range of devices to monitor weather patterns, make rainfall comparisons, manage crops and monitor for droughts.


Independently Owned & Operated

We provide marketing services to startups and small businesses to looking for a opment,

Crop Protection Service

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Lawn & Garden Care

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Irrigation & Drainage

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Forest & Tree Planting

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Research & Sustainability

Our research and sustainability team aim to enhance crop productivity, improve farming techniques, and develop sustainable solutions to address challenges such as climate change and food security.


Meet Our Great Team

Our team mission is to promote agricultural practices designed to provide abundant healthy food, fiber and other services for all communities.